Monday, September 27, 2010

Reason #15 Why I Love Germany: The Rose Garden at the New Castle in Stuttgart

The #15 reason why I love Germany is the rose garden on the side of the New Castle (Neue Schloss) in Stuttgart.  The New Castle in Stuttgart is stunning and the front of the castle rightly so gets all the attention with the Schlossplatz directly in front.  What could be better than lounging in front of a castle?  While this is one of my favorite things to do, I also love the more serene rose gardens on the side of the New Castle in Stuttgart.  Don't get me wrong, it's still busy, but its less busy and just seems more peaceful to me.  It must be all the roses that have the effect of making the space feel so tranquil and calm, even though it is just steps away from the bustling Konig Strasse.  Fortunately for me, it's right on my home from German school, and after a particularly frustrating day of trying to understand German grammar it never fails to calm me down after just spending a couple of minutes there.  Yes, the Rose Garden at the New Castle in Stuttgart is the 15th reason why I love Germany.   If you love Germany, check out Expat in Germany.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Reason #14 Why I Love Germany: Vineyards in Germany

Vineyards in Germany overlooking the charming city of Stuttgart
The 14th reason I love Germany are all the vineyards in Germany.  I am fortunate to live in Stuttgart, a charming city in a valley lined with vineyards, with over 250 different wines coming from the region, many of them very reasonably priced.  
Soon the vineyards in Germany will be a busy place - grape picking time!
An additional bonus of vineyards in Germany, is that many of them have walking paths through them so you can not only enjoy the great views offered by the vineyards, but also check on the status of the grapes, to see when next season's wine will be ready.  The Stuttgarter Weindorf is a wine festival held every August which wine lovers anticipate all year long. You can see why vineyards in Germany are another reason why I love Germany!  Prost!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Reason #13: Why I Love Germany: German Architecture, the Illertal Ost Rest Haus

Eye catching German architecture, the outside of the Illertal Ost Rest Haus
The #13th reason that I love Germany is German architecture, but this post takes a lighter look at German architecture in  the form of the Illertal Ost Rest Haus in southern Germany.  The Illertal Ost Rest Haus is a fully functioning rest haus that we stop at everytime we drive by.  It makes me smile every time I see it and the architect's zaney  imagination is clear as is his sense of humor - children will love it. The Illertal Ost Rest Haus may be unconvetional German architecture, but that's makes it so special.  Take a look at photos of the Illertal Ost Rest Haus and see what you think of this piece of wacky German architecture. 
Each section of the Illertal Ost  Rest Haus has a different theme in this unique piece of German architecture
Another section of the Illertal Ost Rest Haus
The Illertal Ost Rest Haus acts not only as a piece of German architecture, but is also very functional
Imaginative sculptures line the perimeter of the Illertal Ost
 See Google Maps for location of the Illertal Ost Rest Haus

What are your thoughts on this piece of German architecture?  If you want to see more of Germany, check out Expat in Germany

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reason #12 Why I Love Germany: Alpine Flowers

These beautiful alpine flowers were everywhere we went.
The #12 reason why I love Germany are the alpine flowers.  We went hiking in Germany this past weekend and even though we are well into September the alpine flowers were still blooming.  I love the long growing season here for alpine flowers, well all flowers actually.  But the alpine flowers can speak for themselves much better than I ever could:

A bright yellow alpine flower with dainty petals

I love the contrast of white alpine flowers against the green grass

Alpine flowers that have just finished blooming

More of these beautiful alpine flowers

I think you can see why the alpine flowers are another reason why I love Germany.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reason #11: Why I Love Germany: Cow Bells

A cow proudly showing off her cow bell.
The #11 reason why I love Germany is that in southern Germany and northern Austria, you frequently hear the cling-clang of cow bells, also known as "Almgocke" in German.  There are a lot of cows in southern Germany and it can actually be quite noisy, but I love the sound of the cow bells, especially when hiking.  To a large extent, cows have free range of the hills so you can even hear the cow bells even when you are quite high up.  I find the sound rather encouraging as I hike higher and higher and grow wearier and wearier.

Another cow, another cow bell
 Cow bells serve the purpose of keeping track of any cows that are drifting too far away or those that have managed to get lost.  The cow bells make it much easier to find the cows.  Being from Canada, I must admit this concept is lost on me.  In Canada, especially where I grew up,  there are also a lot of cows in much bigger pastures than in Germany and the cows in Canada don't wear cow bells. 

While I love the sounds of cow bells, cows get up rather early, so I would not recommend camping near cows or sleeping with a window open near cows. 

If you do, you will most definitely not need an alarm clock as the cow bells will provide a nice 5:00 am ish wake up call.  As long as I'm not sleeping near cows, cow bells are another reason why I love Germany.  If you love Germany, check out Expat in Germany

Friday, September 10, 2010

Reason #10: Why I Love Germany: Hiking the Swabian Alps:

Hiking the Swabian Alps scenery en route to the waterfall
Reason #10 why I love Germany are the Swabian Alps which offer gentle hiking trails with views of the German countryside.  There are no mountains in the Swabian Alps, but hills - some of them quite big, so the Swabian Alps has hiking for all fitness levels.  This past weekend we choose a small hike in the Swabian Alps since my fiance's mom was with us and she has heart problems.  The hike started in the small town of Bad Urach.

Guesteiner Waterfall in the Swabian Alps near Bad Urach
Our destination was Guetersteiner Wasserfall (German for waterfall) which could be reached by a flat well maintained loop that was 3km round trip. There were plenty of extensions including a trail that led to a fortress with more distance and elevation gain for those with more stamina than we had on this particular day.  It was a pleasant hike with a nice waterfall.  This Swabian Alps trail was clearly popular with German families and not with non-speaking German tourists.  Despite the trail being quite busy, the only language I heard spoken was German.  For me this is a bonus, as I like to do things that a typical German might do on a Sunday afternoon, now that I'm living in Germany. 

The variety of hiking options in the Swabian Alps are endless.  The book I have alone lists 130 hikes in the Swabian Alps and there are many more.  Yes, hiking in the Swabian Alps is another big reason why I love Germany.

More hikes in the Swabian Alps:  Hiking to Hohenzollern Castle

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reason #9 Why I Love Germany: German Pharmacy Museum

Some of the raw materials found in the German Pharmacy Museum

The 9th reason that I love Germany is because of the German Pharmacy Museum which I had never heard of before, but that's what I discovered at Heidelberg Castle, where the German Pharmacy Museum is located.  Just what, I wondered, could be in the German Pharmacy Museum?
Entrance to the German Pharmacy Museum
Well, it turns out the German Pharmacy Museum is the world's largest pharmacy museum housing over 20,000 objects ranging from raw materials to storage vessels to first aid kits to pharmaceutical diaries.  I still didn't have high hopes for the German Pharmacy Museum, but was actually rather impressed.  The collection dates back over 2000 years and a quick look at the medical equipment makes you thankful that you didn't live in the middle ages.  Pills were not invented until the mid 19th century so medicine was administered in a variety of pastes and powders from herbs which I'm guessing were not great tasting.  Herbs from far away lands were especially preferred.  Admission to the German Pharmacy Museum is included with your ticket to Heidelberg Castle and it’s worth checking out. 
You may also be interested in the German Emigration Museum, one of the coolest museums I've ever been in!

Take an online tour of the German Pharmacy Museum
Raw materials found in the German Pharmacy Museum photo courtesy of:  German Pharmacy Museum

Friday, September 3, 2010

Reason #8 Why I Love Germany: Flowers in Germany

Flowers in Germany are everywhere - yet another reason why I love Germany!

The #8 reason I love Germany is because of all the flowers in Germany.  Germans take pride in their housing, regardless of whether they rent or own, regardless of the size, and regardless of the area they live, cheerful flowers are found everywhere.   In apartment buildings it's very common to see window boxes filled with flowers.  Houses or town houses usually only have a very small yard and it's usually full of cheerful colorful flowers as well.  I really respect how well Germans take care of their homes and the little touches they make to make their home more inviting - such as flowers.  Fresh flowers on the table are also common in Germany and can be bought at a reasonable price at markets.  Sunflowers are in season at the moment and they are everywhere.  Coming from Canada which has a very short growing season, I love having flowers in bloom for much longer than I'm used to.  On a gray cloudy day, nothing cheers you up faster than looking at colorful flowers and fortunately they're found everywhere in Germany, which is another reason why I love Germany.
If you love Germany check out Expat in Germany

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Reason #7 Why I Love Germany: Dresden Historical Center

The Frauenkirsche, the most famous landmark in the Dresden Historical Center
The #7 reason I love Germany is the Dresden historical center.  In WWII, approximately 75% of the Dresden Historical Center was bombed, but Germany has done an exceptional job of restoring the Dresden Historical center to its former glory.   Dresden is a popular tourist spot with Germans, but not as much so for international tourists.  Germans love the Dresden Historical Center.  My German fiance insisted that I see the Dresden Historical Center so we drove over 500km just to see it.  It was worth the long trip - a palace, cathedral, church, opera house, place for court festivities, museums,you name it, you can find it in the Dresden Historical Center.  Dresden Historical Center is best seen in person or if that's not possible in photos.  Now can you see why the Dresden Historical Center is another reason I love Germany.  If you love Germany check out Expat in Germany

The Royal Palace in the Dresden Historical Center, another reason I love Germany

The Zwinger - a place where court festivities were held in the Dresden Historical Center. 

The cathedral in the Dresden Historical Center.